So I guess Haylie is a little sick today so while she was hugging the toilet, her companion Sister Whitworth wrote home for her:
The beginning of this email is provided to you by Hermana Whitworth because she is a doll:
SOOO... this week we had a lot of fun times... I personally think we have too much fun this Hermana Mathis and I...Here are the highlights:I completed 15 months and Hermana Mathis made me doughnuts! What? I just died they were soo good. Poor thing... she always burns herself cooking things for me.We ate lunch with 2 investigator´s families... tears of joy! Canelones- look that up. It is straight from the Celestial kingdom.We had a fun activity family home evening in the church where we made popcorn and watched meet the mormons! Some investigators came and it was soo fun!We went to our investigator´s house for lunch and she has the cutest puppy you have ever seen in your entire life. It looks like a stuffed animal and it´s so fragile because it is newly born. So what do you think we did? We took a million pictures with it! Then as we were going to leave... Hermana Mathis steps on the poor little guy and turned bright red... she kept laughing and making gestures to leave quickly. (I had no idea she had stepped on the little guy). I was taking my time saying goodbye and thanking them. As we left the home, she looked like she was going to cry because she felt bad about stepping on the little guy. But he is fine so don´t worry. We were laughing about it all.
It's much better to hold the dog and not step on it. Then this morning, we thought we´d take a little adventure and make torta frita... about the easiest thing you could possibly make. 3 ingredients-flour, salt and oil... but somehow we managed to destroy them. hahaha... and poor Hermana Mathis ended up hurling in the bathroom! Oh adventures of the mission.Yesterday, we... well I opened a black gate (identical to that of a less active member), but it was on a different street and this one opened up to some crazy dogs! I am not scared of dogs... but these ones were big and mean. Hermana Mathis was cracking up and backed away as I just stood there dumbfounded. Luckily the owners were right there and we were fine. Oh Argentina, oh dogs!... No one was hurt, just my pride.Haylie finishes the letter here:Well this week was actually a really spiritual one as well. We taught a woman named Natalie who was a contact from the elders. She is the most prepared person I have met so far. She has had quite the rough past that still continues. The missionaries found her in a time where she was contemplating the worth of her life. She is currently in an abusive relationship in which she is constantly living in fear and longs to feel safe and calm. Her daughters are living with her mom and she longs to have a family united in love. It is so sad to see her in this awful position because she is honestly a love. She is the sweetest, kindest person I have ever met, yet somewhere along the way she settled for a man who does not see her the same way our Heavenly Father sees her. Tears came as I was able to look her in the eyes and tell her that she is a precious daughter of God and that she deserves so much more. She has a purpose here on this earth. She says she just feels a huge peace when we come over, something that she has never felt before in her house. We told her that what she was feeling was the Holy Ghost, and she started crying because what we were telling her was true. This gospel truly is one of hope and peace. It can heal any broken soul. It can bring life to a soul that contemplated its existence. I am thankful for every day I get to testify of Christ and the life and light of the gospel. I love being a missionary. I love being companions with Hermana Whitworth here in General Villegas, and I love this opportunity we have to see the gospel work and transform peoples lives.
les amo un monton!!Hermana Mathis
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