Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Traslados (Transfers) but not for us! Baigorria by Jove!

TRASLADOS this week, and we both stayed here in Baigorria! We are happy to be able to continue working here and excited to see many more miracles.

A Sweet Member Made the Argentinian Beanies
I am back to feeling A-OK which is a blessing but it is pretty nippy oustide so we sure bundle up! On average about 10 people ask us every day why we are out in this cold, haha, and winter hasn't even officially started yet! Wooo!  

This week we got the General Conference Ensign which is like Christmas!! We have been attacking it and I am constantly amazed at the inspired messages shared by the prophet and apostles in this last conference. If you didn't get the chance to hear it, now is your chance. Or if you did, read/watch it again! It doesn't get old!  https://www.lds.org/general-conference/?lang=eng 

This week I was reading and studying a bit about repentance and how God is so willing and able to forgive us, His children. I was also impressed with how He treats us in our weaknesses. I read a few verses in Doctrine and Covenants:
Verily say unto you, notwithstanding their sins, my bowels are filled :with compassion towards them. will not utterly cast them off; and in the day of wrath will remember mercy.
And Section 38:

10 Verily say unto you, ye are cleanbut not all; and there is none else with whom am well pleased11 For all flesh is corrupted before me; and the powers of darkness prevail upon the earthamong the children of men, ithe presence of all the hostof heaven—14 But now tell it unto you, and ye are blessed, not because of your iniquity, neither your hearts of unbelief; for verily some of you are guilty before me, but will be merciful unto your weakness.
God has so much compassion for us. He sees us in our weaknesses and He understands that we have faults and that we commit errors.  Yet He has power to forgive us, to help us to be clean and to be strengthened. He constantly invites us to come unto Him and repent, to have a change in heart and to follow the example His Son set for us. He allows us to receive the remission of our sins every Sunday when we partake of the sacrament. I know that the Lord truly understands us in a way that no one else does. He is merciful and loving. He shows his love many times through others! In the beginning of the week when I was pretty darn sick and we were trapped in prison/pension I realized how much I benefit from interacting with others every day, and how through others I feel God/s love and help others to feel God's love. I know that serving and loving others bring true happiness. 

The Same Member Made These Sweet Argentinian Ties

We Will Miss President and Hermana Zanni So Much!
This week will be a great one! We have a conference for leaders and a last conference to say goodbye to President and Hermana Zanni! Time flies! 

A shout out to my sister whose birthday is this Sunday as well as to all the fathers! Happy Father's Day! 

Elders have Cooties, right?
Love you all!

Hermana Mathis 

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